Young Catholic Students, Bendur, conducted the new executive committee elections for the year 2020-21 on 11 October, 2020.
Congratulations to the newly elected executive members.
President- Aaron Patrao
Secretary- Erica Rachel Lobo
Treasurer- Delice Soraya Mendes
Vice President- Ashwin Pinto
Joint Secretary- Joswin Pinto
Sports Secretary- Clayton Angelo Dcunha
Cultural Secretary- Crystal Melisha Pinto
Liturgical Secretary- Muriel Hansil Mascarenhas
Yuvathare Representative- Kenneth Stephen D’sa
The newly elected office bearers of YCS , took the oath during the Eucharistic celebration at 8.00 a.m. on 18th October. The oath was administered by Parish Priest and YCS Director V.Rev.Fr. Vincent Monteiro.