Remembering the great historical event of Jesus’ triumph entry into Jerusalem, we the Bendur parishioners came together to celebrate Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, on 9th April at St Theresa school ground. The traditional coconut Palms were the attraction of the day. Fr Antony Shera, Parish Priest, blessed the Palms. Asst Priests Fr. Ashwin Cardoza, Fr Roshan D’Cunha, and Principal of Padua college Fr Alwin serrao were also present. After the blessing of the Palms, we came in procession from the school ground to the Church. Rev Fr Antony Shera was the main celebrant and Rev Fr Roshan Dcunha through meaningful homily helped us to reflect on Christ’s sufferings and to strengthen our faith by having hope in Christ. The whole event was marked with great devotion and solemnity.
Pics By: Leon Saldanha