After 40 days of the Lenten season, including the Holy Week encompassing Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, the Christians around the world celebrated Easter with joy and fervour on the eve of Sunday.
Easter Sunday falls on 8 of April this year and the celebrations in the city commenced with Holy Masses in the Mangalore parishes on Saturday, April 7.
Before the Festive mass the gathering of believers are seated in the dark. Parish priest of Bendur Fr Antony Serrao blessed the new fire, and lit the Easter candle from the blessed fire and carried the candle to the altar in a procession. As the candle proceeded down the aisle, parishioners lit the candles from the flame, illuminating the area in candle light.
Easter is a Christian festival that is celebrated to honour the resurrection of Lord Jesus. It is a festival of joy and happiness that is celebrated all over the world. It is also considered to be one of the oldest Christian festivals.
Fr Serrao along with 4 concelebrants celebrated the festive mass. Fr Vincent Monteiro in his homily said, “Today Christians around the word celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. We have to understand the meaning of resurrection. We are trying to change our life physically but we are not trying to change our spiritual life.”
He also said, “When we do not have the courage to help others then there is no meaning in celebrating Easter. We have to be service-minded and help others in their needs. We have to carry forward Jesus’ mission by becoming his true apostles being the witnesses of the Risen Lord, be it in our neighbourhood, be it in our parish or in the society”.
Fr Serrao also led the ceremony of blessing water and it was sprinkled on the entire congregation.